Prior to the termination of your account, you should be able to use your account as usual and have direct access to your funds. However, your account may be blocked due to an internal or external reason unrelated to your pending account closure. There are many reasons why an account might be blocked. Please review the common reasons for account blocks below:
Seizure: if you are aware of any active seizures on your account, the funds on your account may be frozen pending the repayment of the seizure. Once the seizure is fulfilled and Solaris has received an “Aufhebung” from the seizing authority, any remaining funds will be released back to you. If you have a seizure protected account, and are having difficulties withdrawing your remaining balance, please submit a request via the Solaris Help Center.
Account has already been closed: Upon your termination date, your account will enter legal closure. It will also no longer be possible to log into the Helios app or access any other former Helios services.
If your account is already closed and you did not manage to withdraw your funds by your communicated closure date, you will need to submit a withdrawal request through the Solaris Help Center for us to execute a manual withdrawal.