Please select relevant product, category and topic
Please fill the subject of the request in a free format.
Saisissez les détails de votre demande. Un membre de notre équipe d’assistance répondra dans les plus brefs délais.
If applicable mention the partner you are writing us about
Needs to match name in provided ID document
Account must be in the name of the requestor
IMPORTANT: The request will be auto-rejected if we do not find an exact match with the number that you are entering in this field. Therefore it is important that you add the correct giftcard number and only the number. For Backwerk cards the following is required: 16 digits, only numbers (e.g. 1234567890123456). For L'Osteria or Nordsee cards the following is required: 10 digits, letters and numbers (e.g. 1A2B3C4D5E). The correct giftcard number is either stated on the card or can be accessed via a QR code that is placed on the card instead.